This card is part of a series titled ‘Waves’, we have teamed up with mural artist Lois O’Hara. The idea behind the series stems from Lois’ passion for capturing the...
In this series titled ‘Word Play’ the idea was to create a range of typographically-inspired greetings cards designed in a playful, bold style. Word Play is an Evermade Studio project,...
Say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ in style, with this lovingly illustrated, floral card by artist Cat Coquillette.Produced on premium matt art card, each design is blank inside for you to compose...
This artistic, watercolour design by Cat Coquilette works perfectly as an elegant gesture for any occasion. Produced on premium matt art card, each design is blank inside for you to...
Minimal heart design featuring metallic foiled detail. Produced on premium matt art card, each design is blank inside for you to compose your own message.Size: A6 (folded) 104 x 148mmIncludes...
Say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ in style with this floral design, created by plasticine artist Olga Protasova.Produced on premium matt art card, each design is blank inside for you to compose...
This card is part of a series titled ‘Waves’, we have teamed up with mural artist Lois O’Hara. The idea behind the series stems from Lois’ passion for capturing the...