Introducing Lucy Sherston

Lucy Sherston is a Brighton-based artist and illustrator. We worked closely with Lucy to create the ‘Simple Pleasures’ card range - a series where each artwork represents a small, joyous moment in life. Lucy brought an incredible sense of life to the collaboration through her expert use of colour, shape and handmade elements.

We had a chance to catch up with Lucy and find out more about her illustration style and her design process.

inspires your work in design?
I like to try and capture fleeting moments or communicate the sense of a feeling or mood. I'm inspired by all kinds of things that I'll try and note down in my sketchbook to then figure out a more coherent idea with.

How long has it taken you to develop your unique style?
I think it's been a constant work in progress since I left uni 6 years ago, but it's definitely nice to finally be at a point where things seem to click and I have a good idea of how to approach an illustration and build it up in a way that works for me.

Can you describe your working process, from the idea stage to the finished design?
For both my personal work or a commissioned piece I'll start with some initial sketches, noting down colours that come to mind and any notes on the theme of the piece. Then I'll make some thumbnails working that idea up more before beginning to paint and draw certain elements. I'll then move these over to Photoshop and start working digitally.

What do you like to listen to whilst working?
Depending on my mood I'll listen to music or a podcast - sometimes I find the latter really helps get me more in the zone and kind of lose concept of time.

Is there any advice you would give to budding illustrators?
Just to keep going. Don't get too disheartened if you're not getting work from it right away, just do it 'cos you love it and work on what you love. Experiment and don't feel too restricted by the idea of 'style'.

The ‘Simple Pleasures’ card range by Lucy Sherston can be found here. Check out Lucy’s other design projects over on her website and instagram.
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